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About Fada Ebube Muonso

A Guiding Light in Faith

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Obimma (Fada Ebube Muonso)

Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Obimma is an ordained Catholic Priest hailing from the esteemed Onitsha Archdiocese. Born into the family of Mr. (Late) and Mrs. Obimma of Nkwelle-Ezunaka in Anambra state, he spent his formative years in the same town. As the youngest son among seven siblings, he was ordained a priest on August 6, 2011.

Parish Leadership:
Currently serving as the Parish Priest of Blessed Iwene Tansi, Umudioka, Dunukofia, Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Obimma carries out his pastoral duties with utmost dedication. His leadership in the parish reflects a deep commitment to fostering spiritual growth and community engagement.

Spiritual Directorship:
In addition to his parish responsibilities, Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Obimma serves as the Spiritual Director of Holy Ghost Adoration Ministry, Uke, Anambra state. His profound love for the Holy Spirit and unyielding zeal for the house of God have significantly contributed to the widespread growth and impact of the ministry.

Philosophy and Zeal:
Known for his passion for the Holy Spirit, Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Obimma's teachings are grounded in a philosophy of love, faith, and service. His fervor for the ministry extends beyond the pulpit, actively engaging in initiatives that bring about positive change and transformation.

A Beacon of Light:
Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Obimma's journey as a priest and spiritual leader serves as a guiding light for many seeking a deeper connection with God. His compassion, wisdom, and commitment inspire both the local community and those beyond geographical boundaries.
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Contact Fada Ebube Muonso

Holy Ghost Adoration Ministry, Uke Anambra State, Nigeria. 434113

+2349046474458, +2348083920951

Keys To Greatness by Rev. Fr. Obimma Emmanuel

According to the dictionary Obedience means willingness to comply with the commands, orders or instructions of those in authority.

Genesis 22: 1, It was recorded that Abraham obeyed God, and God rewarded him with blessings upon blessing. Abraham never for once doubted God or disobeyed, he submitted totally to God’s commands. God made him the father of all nations and that announced his greatness.

Another instance of total Obedience to God in the bible was David, David was the “Man after God’s Heart” he attained his greatness through obeying God’s words, his commands and instructions.


  • Long life – (Deuteronomy 5:33)
  • Protection – (Daniel 6:22)
  • Gladness – (Nehemiah 8:10)
  • Great Peace – (Psalm 119:165), (Psalm 19:8)
  • Assurance of God- (Colossians 3:1)
  • Answers to your prayers – (Mark 11:24)

Genesis 22: 1, It was recorded that Abraham obeyed God, and God rewarded him with blessings upon blessing. Abraham never for once doubted God or disobeyed, he submitted totally to God’s commands. God made him the father of all nations and that announced his greatness.

Another instance of total Obedience to God in the bible was David, David was the “Man after God’s Heart” he attained his greatness through obeying God’s words, his commands and instructions.

Prayer is talking to God, prayer is not a meditation or passive reflection. It is direct address to God . It is the communication of the human soul with the Lord who created the Soul.

You can’t attain Greatness without prayer, James 5:16 says “The fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much”  Luke 18:1 says “Pray always and don’t loose hope”. Prayer is a divine prescription for every affliction. Greatness comes with prayer, a turn to God in prayer turns things around. Greatness can never be achieved without prayer because champions are made in the upper room.


  • Provides timely direction.
  • Prevents wrong decisions.
  • Eliminates worries and anxieties.
  • Invites God into your Activity.
  • Opens doors of opportunity.

You can’t attain Greatness without prayer, James 5:16 says “The fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much”  Luke 18:1 says “Pray always and don’t loose hope”. Prayer is a divine prescription for every affliction. Greatness comes with prayer, a turn to God in prayer turns things around. Greatness can never be achieved without prayer because champions are made in the upper room.

The Psalmist says in Psalm 73:28, “For me it is good to be near the Lord”.

Greatness comes with being intimate with God, engaging your scripture, obeying the laws and commandments of God, hearing God’s voice, reception of the Holy Eucharist, living a life of worship.

You cannot be Great without the engaging the scripture or without hearing God’s voice, holding God to his words and promises assures one of Greatness because God honours his words more than his name; God is not obligated to obey your words but he is highly obligated to obey his own words.

Therefore, for you to attain Greatness you have to be intimate with God, always strife to do what God desires, Romans 8:6 says “for to be carnally minded is death”.


  • Divine secrets: (Job 29:2-4) Intimacy with God opens his secrets to you.
  • Promotion: (Psalm 37:4-5) Promotion comes when you get intimate with God.
  • Power: Intimacy with the powerful makes you powerful.
  • Impregnation: God impregnates you with visions and answers for your day and your generations.
  • Alert: Intimacy with God makes you alert in the spirit, it makes aware of dangers before it comes.

Greatness comes with being intimate with God, engaging your scripture, obeying the laws and commandments of God, hearing God’s voice, reception of the Holy Eucharist, living a life of worship.

You cannot be Great without the engaging the scripture or without hearing God’s voice, holding God to his words and promises assures one of Greatness because God honours his words more than his name; God is not obligated to obey your words but he is highly obligated to obey his own words.

People often wonder humility means or what is the definition of humility. In the Bible, humility or humbleness is a quality of being courteously respectful of others. It is the opposite of aggressiveness, arrogance, boastfulness, and vanity. Rather than, “Me first,” humility allows us to say, “No, you first, my friend.” Humility is the quality that lets us go more than halfway to meet the needs and demands of others.

Friendships and marriages are dissolved over angry words. Resentments divide families and co-workers. Prejudice separates race from race and religion from religion. Reputations are destroyed by malicious gossip. Greed puts enmity between rich and poor. Wars are fought over arrogant assertions.

Acting with humility does not in any way deny our own self worth. Rather, it affirms the inherent worth of all persons which leads to Greatness.

Greatness can never be attained without Humility, “Moses was a very humble man, more humble than anyone else on the face of the earth” (Numbers 12:3).


  • Inheritance of the earth: (Matthew 5:5)
  • Assurance of the Kingdom of God: (Matthew 5:5)
  • Greatness: (Matthew 23:11)
Wherever the Spirit of God dwells, there is Freedom and there is Liberty. 2 Cor. 3:17